Training sessions occur in narrow, dark rooms with monkeys in isolation. Undercover Investigation, Let The Animals Live. Shuki is restrained in a primate chair for 1-2 hours each day. Pikatchu is restrained after fitted with a skull cap.
A cat before surgery to excise part of her skull.
THIS ALERT IS CLOSED. It is archived for use as a letter- writing example or background research. UPDATE: Mazor Farm Headed For Closure? 7/20/12 - In Kinship Circle’s original alert, activists implored Israeli officials to investigate Weizmann Institute of Science, where decades of monkey and cat experiments failed to yield functional data. They also urged authorities to shut Mazor Farm, a breeder that supplies primates to labs in Israel and abroad. Some researchers may face a primate shortage, since Israel’s Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan — who leads Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) — nixed consent for Mazor to ship monkeys to Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL) in Texas. At least 40 monkeys were spared from brutal experiments when Mazor lost its last overseas client. Yuval Ron, creator of a Care2 petition linked with Shut Down Mazor Farm on Facebook, hopes "that was the last nail in Mazor’s coffin. It certainly looks like we are approaching this miserable saga’s end." Kinship Circle referenced information from Israel’s Let The Animals Live, for this alert and others. Ron praises the group’s Riva Mayor for ramping up the Shut Down Mazor Farm drive with swift, focused pressure. Mazor Farm has since sued INPA for about $742,000, claiming the agency had previously authorized primate shipment to Texas. Ron calls the suit bogus, with no evidence of broken promises. "Either way, we won," he says. Mazor Farm is not yet shuttered, but the commercial breeder lost a primary customer and monkeys were spared from experimentation hell. SOURCE OF UPDATE: Success! Israel Says No to Mazor Farm Sending Primates to USA for ExperimentationAt Weizmann Institute of Science, a former lab tech’s testimony and video showed that Prof. Amiram Grinvald and his neurology colleagues squander time and money on painful experiments. We called for an investigation of Dr. David B. Omer’s lab, where monkeys are denied water and fed dry pellets to provoke thirst. Each day, animals restrained in primate chairs are conditioned to react to a fluctuating spot on a computer screen. Those who demonstrate visual memory skills earn water drops via a mouth tube. Two years pass, strapped into dark, narrow chambers. Then, a monkey’s scalp is partially amputated to affix a cement cap to bare skull. Immoblized monkeys resume visual acuity drills for another year. At three years, two holes are carved into a monkey’s skull. They are tied in chairs for 8-hour stints while cameras capture their response to spots on a screen. No painkillers are given. For Dr. Shmuel Na’aman’s feline lab, a skull segment is surgically excised to uncover brain matter. A cat watches objects on a screen while a camera logs her nerve cell activity. Upon conclusion, each cat is killed. The experiments are cruel and ridiculous. Imaging technologies better manage data at the level of nerve cell networks, clusters, and even single cells. Imaging systems allow real-time observation of human cells and let researchers communicate with human subjects. It is impossible to replicate similar cognitive function in monkeys. |
Disaster aid for animals + action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.