THIS ALERT IS CLOSED. It is archived to use for a letter-writing example or background research. It is indisputably cruel to pour toxins into the clipped-open eyes of animals or smear corrosives over an animal's shaved skin. It is also scientifically unsound, in light of in vitro, modeling and other human-focused strategies that "generate more-relevant data to evaluate risks people face," National Research Council. Francis Collins, director of NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute, says animal toxicity tests are "expensive, time-consuming, use animals in large numbers, and don't always work." A National Academy of Sciences report, Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century, calls for non-animal methodology. Ask Procter and Gamble to not derive safety data from old-fashioned animal tests. Urge the company to lead the way in animal-free toxicity testing in the U.S. |
Disaster aid for animals + action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.