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Demand Felony Charges For Slaughter Of Two Dogs
Mocha, a chocolate Labrador, and Rocky, an Alaskan Malamute, were found shot to death in the woods
in Berne (Left: Photo provided by Amy Tubbs). Robert Bushnell, 50 of Berne, was charged
with torturing an animal and dog theft, misdemeanors under state Agriculture and Markets Law, for
shooting two of his neighbor Amy Tubbs' dogs (Right: Photo from Skip Dickstein / Times
Union). Sheriff James Campbell said Bushnell transported Mocha, a 7-year-old chocolate
Labrador retriever, and Rocky, a 5-year-old Alaskan malamute, to state property where he shot them.
He fired two bullets into Rocky and a single bullet into Mocha. Bushnell alleges the dogs had
attacked his chickens, chased livestock, and posed a risk to his children. Ask law enforcers to
upgrade Bushnell's misdemeanor charges for animal torture and stealing to felony offenses. Under
Buster's Law — 353-a., a person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when...he or she
intentionally kills...a companion animal...and it is done (ii) in an especially depraved or
sadistic manner.
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Hon. District Attorney P. David Soares, Hon. Kenneth R. Bunzey & Hon. Richard M.
Guilz, and Sheriff James L. Campbell:
Please accept my comments about Robert Bushnell, 50, of Woodstock Road, who confessed
to police on 9/30/09 that he killed neighbor Amy
Tubbs' two dogs.
Sheriff James Campbell said Bushnell transported Mocha, a 7-year-old chocolate
Labrador retriever, and Rocky, a 5-year-old Alaskan
malamute, to state property where he shot them. He fired two bullets into Rocky and a
single bullet into Mocha. Bushnell claims the dogs had
attacked his chickens, chased livestock, and posed a risk to his children.
I urge you to upgrade Bushnell's misdemeanor charges for animal torture and stealing
to felony offenses. Under Buster's Law — 353-a., a
person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when...he or she intentionally
kills...a companion animal...and it is done (ii) in an especially
depraved or sadistic manner. While Buster's Law exempts "animals posing a threat to
human safety or other animals," it calls for the act of
killing to be "legally authorized."
Shooting two companion dogs at point blank range is "especially depraved."
Furthermore, Bushnell took the law into his own hands when he
killed Rocky and Mocha without legal consent. In fact, Amy Tubbs had tried to find
out whose chickens her dogs had killed — but
Bushnell never gave her the chance to make amends or better confine her dogs.
I hope you will recognize the gravity of Bushnell's crime and seek felony penalties
of up to two years in prison. Bushnell ought to be barred
from possessing or living with animals as well.
Officials should be concerned that Bushnell resorted to illegal violence to solve a
problem. Violence against animals is a well-documented
precursor to violence against humans — particularly vulnerable victims such as
children, women or the elderly. Animal cruelty
investigations often uncover domestic violence or other signs of a troubled family,
P. Arkow notes in "Breaking the cycles of violence: A guide
to multi-disciplinary interventions."
The deliberate slaughter of two companion animals qualifies as aggravated cruelty.
Thank you for holding animal abusers accountable for
their crimes.
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