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how to email a letter:
- Copy LETTER below. Paste into an email.
- Change some words. Sign name, address, country.
- Copy EMAIL ADDRESSES. Paste in TO: line of an email.
SEND letter from your email program.
how to fax or mail a letter:
- Open sample letter as a DOC or PDF.
- Change some words. Sign name, address, country.
- Print letter to fax or mail using CONTACT INFORMATION on this page or in the DOC or PDF.
Dear Rabbi Metzger,
I am a concerned citizen who values religious freedom, but draws the line at animal cruelty. I am shocked to learn that 80 percent of kosher meat
imported into Israel begins on South American kill floors that shackle and hoist cows. Alert animals are chained upside down by a single leg.
Muscles and tendons rip apart as the terrified cow dangles for minutes at a time.
Shackle-and-hoist slaughter is so excruciating it is banned in U.S. and European non-kosher kill plants. As you know, in 2002 the Rabbinical
Assembly�s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards deemed shackling and hoisting "a violation of Jewish laws forbidding cruelty to
animals" and advocated use of upright pens.
The Chief Rabbinate is empowered to choose a small bit of mercy each time it approves kosher meat imported from South America. I respectfully
ask you to forbid import from any slaughterhouse that practices shackling and hoisting.
There is no defensible reason, religious or economic, to subject animals killed for food to gratuitous pain and suffering.
Thank you,
contact information
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Most alerts have many email recipients. If one or more emails bounce that does NOT mean all failed.
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- Official websites list outdated or incorrect emails.
- Recipients block emails if swamped with mail.
- A server may be down or not accepting email.
- The email recipient's inbox is full (over quota).
- Occasionally the same email works at later time.
automated web petition
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about web petitions
When you use the web petition instead of direct-send, your comments — and everyone else's — come from one place: Our website server.
- Create a spam effect that angers recipients and hurts outcome for animals.
- Compel recipients to block the entire petition, so no one's comments get through.

Your tax-deductible gift pays to develop learning initiatives and mass print literature for educators, advocates, students… Together, we can spread the truth about animals!
source of information & references
DISCLAIMER: Information in these materials is verified with original source. Kinship Circle does not assume responsibility for accuracy of information or for consequences of its use. Nothing on this website intends to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Kinship Circle does not engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful action. Nothing in this alert serves to promote such conduct.
EMAIL ADDRESSES: Kinship Circle cannot guarantee validity of email addresses. During a campaign, recipients may change or disable their email addresses. Email addresses obtained from government or other official websites may be outdated or incorrect.
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