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UPDATE: NASA Cancels Cruel Irradiation Experiments On
With little fanfare, NASA called off irridation tests on monkeys. In the
study, restrained monkeys are
repeatedly blasted with gamma rays comparable to three years in space – and left with brain
damage, cataracts, malignant tumors,
motor control loss… premature death. Animal abuse to assess human response to long-term space
voyage is a giant leap backward.
In fact, NASA has not experimented upon animals since chimpanzees were sent into space decades
For over a year, Kinship Circle’s action campaign NASA Nukes Monkeys, Stop Them made
our Top 10
Alerts list. Thousands of activists emailed, faxed, called and wrote to NASA Headquarters
demanding the space giant return to animal-
free technology – rather than subject squirrel monkeys to high energy gamma-ray radiation. In
June 2010, NASA aerospace engineer
April Evans even quit her
as space
architect for the International Space Station (ISS) program over NASA’s primate tests.
Thanks to your diligence, along with campaigns from other organizations (most notably PETA,
which enlisted Sir Paul McCartney, Bob
Silverstone, U.S. Congress members, and a former NASA astronaut/engineer) our voices were heard.
Years pass as we
plead for humane reforms. When victories occur, you know why we do it.
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- Copy LETTER below. Paste into an email.
- Change some words. Sign name, address, country.
- Copy EMAIL ADDRESSES. Paste in TO: line of an email.
SEND letter from your email program.
how to fax or mail a letter:
- Open sample letter as a DOC or PDF.
- Change some words. Sign name, address, country.
- Print letter to fax or mail using CONTACT INFORMATION on this page or in the DOC or PDF.
Dear Administrator Bolden, NASA Headquarters, Public Communications, Public
Relations, and NASA Office of Inspector General:
I stand behind NASA’s mission. However, the use of live animals in space radiation
tests is a major leap backward for humankind. Please do
not subject squirrel monkeys to high energy gamma-ray radiation to assess human
response to long-term space voyages.
I agree that space radiation may endanger astronauts traveling far distances, such as
a trip to Mars. But animal experiments generate
misleading results. Physiological, anatomical, and psychological variations between
species make accurate extrapolation to humans unlikely.
And while primates and humans share genetic likeness, their disease process and
treatment differ tremendously. It is precarious to base
"neurobehavioral effects of radiation on humans" upon non-predictive monkey tests.
I encourage NASA to continue utilizing animal-free technology, such as in vitro
methods with cellular components of human derivation. As
you know, modern bioengineers have devised models with blood vessels and organ
characteristics that better imitate human tissue function and
design. A March 2009 Biotechnology and Bioengineering report details these 3D
cellular systems derived from building blocks of active
human cells.
Irradiating monkeys calls for experimenters to repeatedly blast restrained animals
with gamma rays comparable to three years in space. Once
tests conclude at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, the monkeys spend their
lives as test subjects in a Harvard Medical School
Renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall has shown that primates form social unions
and experience complex emotions. Certainly, these
sentient creatures experience pain and loneliness. I respectfully ask Administrator
Bolden and his NASA colleagues to end this pointless
Thank you,
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- Create a spam effect that angers recipients and hurts outcome for animals.
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Your tax-deductible gift pays to develop learning initiatives and mass print literature for educators, advocates, students… Together, we can spread the truth about animals!
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DISCLAIMER: Information in these materials is verified with original source. Kinship Circle does not assume responsibility for accuracy of information or for consequences of its use. Nothing on this website intends to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Kinship Circle does not engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful action. Nothing in this alert serves to promote such conduct.
EMAIL ADDRESSES: Kinship Circle cannot guarantee validity of email addresses. During a campaign, recipients may change or disable their email addresses. Email addresses obtained from government or other official websites may be outdated or incorrect.
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