Bear witness to these crimes and unite, again. As a past spokesperson for SHAC USA (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty), I marched beside activists with common purpose: To close Huntingdon Life Sciences, a global giant in animal testing that poisons, mutilates and kills animals. To test GMOs, pesticides, fertilizers, household goods, drugs, additives, sweeteners…
SHAC USA forms as the American chapter of SHAC UK, with an unrelenting campaign to drive HLS out of business. Kinship Circle is on board with 100+ action campaigns from 2000–2013. In 2006 SHAC USA leaders are imprisoned for conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism/Protection Act. The SHAC 7 are not charged with assault, vandalism or any physical crimes. In a stunning breach of free speech rights, the activists are jailed for a website that reports protests and rallies boycotts against HLS clients, financiers, suppliers. SHAC USA made mistakes, namely its hyper-focus on HLS as billions more animals perished in other experimentation labs and animal-use industries. Still, no U.S. AR group has paralleled SHAC's unity and imprint.
Brenda Shoss, Kinship Circle
Former SHAC USA Spokesperson
Rome, ItalyKinship Cirle's Brenda Shoss speaks at activist gathering about the anti-HLS campaign. Brenda is invited to speak for a SMASH Vivisection evening with videos and talks on the campaign to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, among the world’s largest animal testing labs. HLS kills an average 500 animals each day. The lab has incurred: U.S. Animal Welfare Act violations, arrest of personnel on cruelty charges, more than 600 infringements of Good Laboratory Practice Laws in England, and payoffs to the U.S. Agriculture Department for fraudulent records and animal welfare offenses. Investigations from 1997 through 2012 establish egregious animal abuse as the the “daily normal” at HLS. Huntingdon confines dogs, cats, monkeys, birds, rabbits, mice, pigs…
Activist Tino Verducci organizes the event in conjunction with the Rewild Club and Coordinamento Antispecista, an Italian group that has drawn 7,000 protesters against animal circuses and 10,000 against Green Hill, a commercial breeder that supplies animals for research labs, including HLS. Last spring, cheers are heard around the world when Italian activists seize 40 dogs in a daylight raid of Green Hill's compound in the village of Montichiari in Brescia, Italy. The lucky pups are spared from experimentation. Brenda is thrilled to speak with activists from such a vibrant animal rights community.
During Brenda's 1/22/13 talk, a translator interprets her words for the audience. But no translation is needed for her movie, The Campaign That Changed Everything. Graphic images of cruelty inside Huntingdon, followed by activists in full protest mode, speak for themselves. SHAC UK, the global campaign to shut down HLS, is unable to sponsor this event due to legal issues in Italy since 2005. Anti-HLS activists face similar government suppression worldwide. In fact, some organizers behind the 1/22 gathering are themselves raided and arrested for conspiracy to commit SOCPA 145 & 146 in relation to SHAC between Oct 2011-June 2012, apparently covering 25 separate incidents. Out on bail till April, they are barred from speaking to each other or any form of protest against HLS targets. Cops seize their phones, laptops, storage devices, cameras, etc. in a raid reminiscent of the SHAC 7 (USA) witch hunt, along with many more activist invasions since then. Brenda discusses how the government-corporate stronghold on anti-HLS activists has stalled (but not yet stopped) SHAC activity. See the full transcript of the Rome presentation on the U.S. campaign to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, then and now.
We want to end HLS and animal experiments! Join us in this fight. Here are some resources to inform yourself and others.