We Are Alive

KC-DART & IDASister Michael Marie, Carlos Cabral, Dennis Pickersgill, NGO EstimAcao, Resgate De Animais
LocationTeresopolis, Santa Rita & Rural Communities, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Field LogBrenda Shoss Feb 12 2011
Bunnies, Chickens, Ducks, Cats And More DogsWhere humans fled, or died, animals survive. Team members Sister Michael Marie, Carlos Cabral and Dennis Pickersgill begin the day with baths and walks for hundreds of canine survivors at the Teresopolis emergency shelter. Another 20-30 dogs departed for Adoption Day in Rio de Janeiro yesterday. Today we learn they all have new homes and humans to love! Veterinarians come and go, with two departing for Rio today. Kinship Circle needs critical funding to sponsor several American vets in Brazil.
Each day, animals across the species divide are brought to an already overcrowded disaster shelter. We find farmed animals — ducks, chickens, horses, cows, rabbits — at remote mountainside properties where residents evacuated without them. Some are disoriented, balanced precariously on deeply slanted hills where landslides re-carved terrain. Others wander desolate dirt roads where humans and food resources are gone. In addition to Kinship Circle-IDA's alignment with with NGO EstimAcao, we work alongside other Brazil nonprofits such as Resgate De Animais and SOS Felinos for search-rescue in the field. Rural mountainside communities suffered mass casualties, with people and animals fatally buried up to their necks in mud and rock. Though entire towns were swept away, we continue to find live animals in urgent need. Those with veterinary and animal care skills are needed daylong in the shelter. Plus, we need separate search-rescue volunteers to comb villages and towns in this mountainous region ravaged by floods and landslides. Click here to submit our disaster response volunteer form.