USA Girl!
USA Girl

ETHEL, 7/30/10 – 2/2/12. Let my hands lift you from the street. My breath pass into you. My compressions give you life. COME HOME TO ME. Beautiful girl with sunlit fur. Brown eyes as wide as the earth. And puppy kisses as soft as grass. A baby girl. Forever unfinished. Ethel, I love you most. Always.
© Kinship Circle / Brenda Shoss

MABEL UPDATESFear. Then cautious relief. That's what we see in animal disaster survivors. A tail wags. Eyes soften. A faint purr, neigh, grunt or moo. All animals want to live. Mabel came to symbolize that will. Skeletal and listless, Mabel's pelvis was dislocated when rescued from a bridge over Thailand floodwaters. At the disaster shelter in Bangkok, Mabel's tail rarely wagged. Yet she got all goofy when she heard her name. Mabel taught me about resilience, and then glued herself to my heart. Once stable, Mabel flew 9,000 miles from Thailand to join my USA pack of 3 cats, 3 dogs, a son and husband. She claimed a doggie-bed as Mabel Turf, and dug up long forgotten toys to stash in her safe space. She'd only known life as a street dog, so she “nested” in a new bed with her carefully curated collection of toys and chewy things.
The Bangkok street dog was unsure how to be a “pet,” so she eyed my other dogs (the cats, not so much): Liberty, a beagle; Mandy, a Lhasa Apso; and Ethel, a 1.5-year old Lhasa mix, horribly killed by a speeding car just weeks after Mabel arrived. Despite this unbearable loss — that brings sorrow unlike any I've known — Mabel evolved into a lovely Basenji mix with deer-like grace and soulful eyes. I am her anchor between two vastly different worlds, yet she is patient with my despair. In bed each night, she coils her lanky limbs into a tiny snuggle ball. Her personality continues to emerge. Mabel dances and springs when happy. She enjoys stir-fry (a veg/protein/rice dish Thai volunteers made for animals). Mabel is a daily reminder why Kinship Circle travels halfway around the world to reach animal disaster victims. Each animal is a story, words unwritten until found and loved.
KC-DARTBeth Schmidt, Cara Blome, Ron Presley, Cheri Deatsch, Brenda Shoss, Grady Ballard, Adrienne Usher, Bryan Grant, Sister Michael Marie
LocationDisaster Shelter ThailandFloods north of Bangkok
Field LogBrenda Shoss, Kinship Circle director Dec 2011 - Jan 2012

Mabel gets to know beagle Libby (Liberty). Spoiler alert: The two compete for Alpha Hound in their 4-dog pack that includes Team Lhasa pups Mandy and Ethel (and later, Etelah, after Ethel is killed in car collision).
© Kinship Circle / Brenda Shoss