Sister Michael Marie
Public Information Officer
Staff Relations Director
Kinship Circle DART
- Veterinary Technician, Associate Degree
- Certified First Responder
- American Board for Certification in Homeland Security — Certified in Homeland Security, Level III
- Member, National Emergency Management Team: Long Term Community Recovery And Mitigation
- Member, National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD): Specializing In Spiritual and Emotional Care
- FEMA IS-10 Animals in Disaster, Awareness & Preparedness
- FEMA IS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System
- FEMA IS-197.EM Special Needs Planning Considerations for Emergency Management
- FEMA IS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
- FEMA IS-230 Principles of Emergency Management
- FEMA ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
- FEMA ICS-400 Advanced ICS Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents
- FEMA IS-317 Intro to CERT
- FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Intro
- FEMA IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction
- FEMA CDP Pandemic Influenza Planning and Preparedness (24 hours training)
- FEMA Professional Development Series Certification (7 advanced trainings)
- FEMA Advanced Professional Series Certification (10 advanced trainings)
- Citizen Corps/Volunteer Reception Center Training (2009)
- Alliance of Information & Referral Specialist (AIRS) / Certified Information & Referral Specialist (CIRS) (2004-Present)
- American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) Certified Basic Instructor: First Aid, CPR Pro, AED, Bloodborne Pathogens, All Safety Programs (Current)
- Certified First Responder
- Certified Wilderness First Aid
- National Shelter System Trained
- Red Cross Past Instructor, Basic Disaster Classes, CPR & First Aid
- American Red Cross (ARC) Staff Services, Over 70 Red Cross Classes:
- ARC International Services
- ARC International Humanitarian Law
- ARC Int'l Relief/Development
- ARC Tracing + Int'l Social Programs
- Disaster Frontline Supervisor
- Supervising On Disaster Assignment
- Psychological First Aid
- Disaster Mental Health
- Mass Care, Sheltering, Logistics, Disaster Assessment, Client Casework, Public Affairs, Staff Health In Disaster, Emergency Response Vehicle Training, etc.
- Humane Society Of The United States, HSUS/NDART (2006)
- American Humane, Basic Animal Emergency Services Training (2010)
- Foreign Animal Disease Response Training Officer (2009)
- Experienced As Staff In Ohio State Emergency Operations Center
- 12 Years Foreign Mission Work On 5 Continents, Including:
- Cultural, Racial Issues
- Assistance In Natural Disasters
- Disaster Assistance In Civil Unrest
- Aid For Displaced Persons
- 12 Years Experience Working In Prisons (adult, juvenile, death row)
- 5 years Experience In Crisis Intervention: Mental Health, Suicide, Domestic Violence Center Paraprofessional
- 15 Years Working In Nursing Homes And Hospitals: with clients and their families, with the terminally ill and advocacy in elder abuse cases
- Hurricane Harvey: Deployed with Kinship Circle to help close disaster operations in Southeast Texas, including follow-up reports on animals sheltered-in-place, plus staff needs at large emergency shelters.
- Hurricane Matthew: Deployed with Kinship Circle as PIO/Staff Relations to help manage emergency sheltering ops and deliver food, water and aid for animals with displaced families. South Carolina.
- Louisiana Flood: Deployed with Kinship Circle as PIO/Staff Relations to conduct search-rescue, food-water delivery in the field, help manage emergency sheltering operations. Livingston Parish, LA.
- Thailand Flood: Deployed with Kinship Circle as Incident Commander and Public Information Officer on missions in December 2011 and January 2012. Emergency animal care at flood shelter in the Muang District of Samut Prakan, Bangkok and SCAD (Soi/Street Cats & Dogs Of Bangkok) shelter: disinfect cages, walk dogs, maintain animal care records, food-water bowl sterilization, feeding (including baby to adult animals on special-need diets and/or medications)… Veterinary technician aid: administration of daily medication and injury treatment, vaccination, pre-surgery prep, surgical assistance in sterilization and wound procedures, anesthesia monitoring, resuscitation breathing and CPR, IV catheter fluid/med therapy, quarantine and care for animals with parvo virus and other serious transmissible disease, etc. Animal handling and transport.
- Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, Radiation Crisis: Deployed with Kinship Circle as Public Information Officer or Incident Commander on 4 separate missions. Search-rescue in disaster hit parts of Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures. Built relationships with foreign NGOs and coordinators. Animal handling and transport, shelter-in-place (food/water distribution)… Food delivery to evacuation centers, to animals left in homes or outdoors at evac sites. Rescue and food delivery to hundreds of abandoned hens in 30km radiation zones near Fukushima's nuclear plant. Rescue and food delivery to cats, dogs, cows…in radiation contaminated regions 20, 30, 40 and 50km from the nuclear reactor. Vet tech aid for emergency sheltered animals: vaccination, administering medicines/treatments, spay surgeries, wound procedures, anesthesia, etc.
- Brazil Mudslides: Deployed with Kinship Circle as Public Information Officer on two missions to Teresopolis emergency shelter to assist Brazil NGO EstimAcao. Animal care, handling and transport in the mountainous region near Rio de Janeiro, where flash floods led to catastrophic landslides that crushed people and animals. Veterinary technician: Meds, wound treatment, vacs, surgery prep-assistance, anesthesia monitoring, IV catheter fluid therapy, quarantine…more post-disaster conditions —
- Giardia (Giardiasis)
- Coccidia
- Roundworms (Ascaridiasis)
- Hookworms
- Whipworms
- Tapeworms
- Heartworm
- Fleas, Ticks
- Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange
- Earmites
- Ringworm
- Blastomycosis, Cryptococcosis
- Histoplasmosis, Phycomycosis
- Pythiosis, Sporotrichosis
- Parvovirus
- Cancer
- TVT (Transmissible Venereal Tumor)
- Pneumonia
- Vet tech: poison, digestive disorder, lethargy…. Treat bicheira, a flesh-eating maggot disease epidemic in Brazil. Large maggots are flushed and extracted. Deep wounds are medicated. Some animals lose tails, limbs, parts of face…
- BP Gulf Oil Disaster: Deployed with Kinship Circle, partnering with World Animal Awareness Society, to focus on wildlife harmed in Deepwater Horizon oil spill crisis: Comb beaches, estatuaries, nesting grounds and open waters (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida) to find distressed animals and map the oil's impact. Spot and report suffering animals to area Unified Command Centers. Give GPS coordinates and details on oiled wildlife, to expedite rescue. Embed on planes and boats with US Fish And Wildlife, Coast Guard and other officials to monitor oil damage and wildlife impacts. Document the oil effect on animal habitat and survival. Maintain a real-time map that charts journey in photos, videos, interviews, news.
- Chile Earthquake, Tsunami: Deployed with Kinship Circle on 2 missions for animal rescue, handling, care and field first aid. Work as veterinary technician with Socorro Animal Chile (SACH), a coalition of Chilean animal groups and vets (partnering with Kinship Circle) to set-up temp animal aid clinics in disaster-stricken communities north and south of Concepcion in the Bio Bio region.
- Ongoing to present disaster aid and domestic support around the U.S. and world
- 2010 Haiti Quake Domestic Support
- 2009 Fargo, North Dakota Floods
- 2008 Hurricane Ike
- 2008 Iowa Floods
- 2008 Kenya Election Violence
- 2007 Findlay Ohio Floods
- 2006 Hurricane Katrina
Sister Michael Marie, Public Information & Staff Relations
Kinship Circle responder Sister Michael Marie comforts a scared bunny left behind when most residents fled Santa Rita, a community leveled beneath a mass mudslide during flash floods/slides in the mountainous region near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (c) Kinship Circle, Brazil Mudslides
Sister Micahel Marie, Kinship Circle DART Public Information and Staff Relations Director, offers gentle hands to animals extremely traumatized in Brazil's flash floods and landslides. (c) Kinship Circle, Brazil Mudslides
In Brazil for animal victims of floods and mudslides, locals tell Kinship Circle about 4 stranded kittens. But the team finds only this calico in a home where residents left without their cats. Sister Michael Marie examines the baby survivor. (c) Kinship Circle, Brazil Mudslides
Kinship Circle director Brenda Shoss greets Mabel with sandwich cream cookies, like the tea cookies she gave Mabel while deployed in Bangkok. When Mabel sees Brenda after months and miles apart, she screams. A loud, skinny dog with a big pink bow (courtesy of Sister in honor of Brenda's birthday). People gather, so Brenda explains: “She's from Thailand, rescued from floods, doesn't speak English.” Onlookers nod, as if this is cause to shriek. Brenda is forever grateful to Sister for facilitating this reunion! (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand Floods
While deployed with Kinship Circle, Sister Michael Marie hand Cheri Deatsch rescue a Shiba Inu mix hobbling on three legs along a highway bound for Minamisoma. Trixie, abandoned or orphaned in Japan's quake-tsunami, cannot bear weight on her mangled front paw. Despite her pain, she sweetly accepts aid and is transported to Animal Friends Niigata shelter. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Trixie rescue, Sister Michael Marie and Cheri Deatsch with Kinship Circle in Minamisoma, Japan. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Kinship Circle's Sister Michael Marie, a vet tech, monitors anesthesia as British veterinarian Emma Sant Cassia spays a dog at the emergency flood shelter in Bangkok. (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand Floods
Kinship Circle team at disaster shelter in Bangkok, from left: Cheri Deatsch, Sister Michael Marie, Emma Sant Cassia, Trisha Fravel. (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand Floods
Sister Michael Marie with flood rescues. (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand
Sister Michael works with displaced horses — pulled from floods or left without food and care — who recuperate at the crowded flood shelter in Marion County, SC. (c) Kinship Circle, Hurricane Matthew
KC-DART officer Sister Michael Marie gains trust from a rescued pit bull at the Amite, LA flood shelter. (c) Kinship Circle, Louisiana Flood
Sister Michael Marie is a certified vet tech who also works for federal FEMA. In Japan, she examines chickens weak from lack of food or water. Sister is in deserted Namie (25km from the damaged nuclear reactor) to feed hundreds of chickens left behind when a farmer evacuated due to radiation risk. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Mabel, a Basenji-mix rescued with a dislocated pelvis from a bridge over floodwaters, is spayed at the emergency shelter in Bangkok. (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand Floods
Before Mabel's 9000-mile journey from Thailand floods to a U.S. home with Kinship Circle director Brenda Shoss, Sister Michael returns to Bangkok to wind down disaster ops and take Mabel to government offices for her export papers. (c) Kinship Circle, Thailand Floods
JEARS and Kinship Circle have fed chickens since residents fled the 30km nuclear radiation zone. But now, authorities seal off an area. We acquire a one-month permit to care for the abandoned birds. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Kinship Circle officer Sister Michael Marie feeds a cat left to fend for himself in an area evacuated for radiation risk. Sister is a vet tech and highly trained responder, sent for critical-care animals who suffered alone for months after the earthquake. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Puppies rescued near a police-blocked radiation zone in Fukushima frolic in the folds of Sister Michael Marie's nun habit. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Hungry dog packs menaced pups before their rescue by the 20km no-go line. Many animals sealed inside radiation-risk zones have died. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
Sister Michael helps Bebete Filipi administer antibiotics, antacids, anti-emetics, Capstar… Hundreds of animals occupy the Teresopolis disaster shelter run by NGO EstimAcao, under Bebete. (c) Kinship Circle, Brazil Mudslides
More Sister Michael Marie Pics In The Field
Namie, Fukushima Prefecture is just 15 km from the nuclear reactor. A woman who refuses to leave her cows struggles to care for the radiation-exposed animals. We offer aid in the field. (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
We find farmed animals — ducks, chickens, horses, cows, rabbits — at remote mountaintop properties where residents evacuated without them. Some are disoriented, balanced precariously on steep hills where landslides re-carved terrain. Others wander desolate dirt roads where humans and food resources are gone. (c) Kinship Circle, Brazil Mudslides
Sister Michael Marie is with a KC-DART team working with Socorro Animal Chile (SACH) to bring food and vet aid to evacuee encampments. (c) Kinship Circle, Chile Earthquake
Kinship Circle's Sister Michael, a vet tech on her 4th Japan trip, plays with pups rescued near the damaged nuclear reactor. The little goobers nibble and tug at her nun's habit, the best toy ever! (c) Kinship Circle, Japan Earthquake
As Harvey floodwaters recede, Kinship Circle officer Sister Michael Marie and Mary Leitch board with a kind host family so they can assess ongoing needs for animals in hurricane-hit Southeast TX. (c) Kinship Circle, Hurricane Harvey