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DECEMBER 21, 2010
WIN! USA Congress Enacts Shark Finning Ban
Kinship Circle supporters asked legislators to crack down on shark finning, a brutal practice in which fishermen sever dorsal fins and dump mutilated sharks into the sea to bleed to death. The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 was quickly approved in the U.S. House of Representatives. Nearly a year later, the Senate has unanimously passed a similar measure to plug loopholes that allow shark finning in West Coast Pacific waters. Lawmakers scored a bipartisan victory for shark conservation by quickly pushing a final version through the House. A universal ban on amputation of shark fins (an ingredient for shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy) now heads to President Obama's desk… SEE FULL UPDATE


DECEMBER 18, 2010
WIN! Truth in Fur Labeling Act Is Now Law
After years of advocating for labels to identify country and origin of fur, U.S. lawmakers finally enacted H.R. 2480/Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2010. This measure became Public Law No: 111-313. Prior law didn't require retailers to distinguish between faux and real fur, or name the species and country of origin, on items sold for $150 or less (most fur-trimmed clothing). In 2007, the issue gained mainstream attention when Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) unveiled hidden dog and cat hides in faux fur products from China — the world's leading supplier of finished fur garments exporting over half of all furs sold in the U.S. Every year millions of dogs and cats face death at the hands of the Asian fur and skin trade. Since the U.S. enacted a dog/cat fur ban in 2000, European markets have seen a rise in items deceptively labeled Gae-wolf, Sobaki, Asian Jackal, Wildcat, Goyangi and Katzenfelle. These goods easily found their way to the U.S., where unwitting consumers bought them. As far back as the 1950s, furs sold in the U.S. had to display species and country — but with a gaping exclusion for garments under $150. The Truth in Fur Labeling law mandates that fur items at any price level show species and country of origin. Now, no consumer can claim they didn't know who originally owned their fur.


DECEMBER 9, 2010
WIN! Obama Signs Crush Video Prohibition Act Into Law
Thanks to the perseverance of Kinship Circle members and animal groups nationwide, the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act is now law. The victory snubs a Supreme Court ruling that protected crush fetish videos as free speech. The U.S. vs. Stevens edict focused on depiction rather than animal abuse. Crush videos typically portray high-heeled feet stomping rabbits, puppies, kittens, mice and other small animals to death. The law bars production, sale and circulation of torture videos that depict animals crushed, drowned, suffocated, stabbed or burned… SEE FULL UPDATE


DECEMBER 8, 2010
WIN! NASA Cancels Cruel Irradiation Tests
NASA called off irridation tests that blast restrained monkeys with gamma rays comparable to 3 years in space. The brutal experiments cause brain damage, cataracts, malignant tumors, motor control loss…premature death. Kinship Circle activists contacted NASA Headquarters demanding the space giant return to animal-free technology, rather than subject squirrel monkeys to radiation. Animal abuse is a giant leap backward. In fact, NASA has not experimented upon animals since chimpanzees were sent into space decades ago… SEE FULL UPDATE


OCT 28, 2010
UPDATE: Canada's Attempt To Soften Seal Goods Ban Is Rejected
Canada fails to soften a sweeping EU ban on import-export of seal goods across European Union nations. The ban took effect in 2010, with exemptions for native Canadian Inuit and 15 more commercial sealers who requested a moratorium. But a judge later refused to ease the ban while courts decide its long-term legality. Canadian authorities contend animals are killed quickly and have warned they will challenge the ban as a violation of world trade rules. In fact, documentation shows pups shot, bludgeoned, kicked and thrashed with razor-sharp hakapiks… SEE FULL UPDATE


WIN! Fashion Giant Escada Sheds Real Fur From 2011 Collection
Kinship Circle, with animal advocacy groups worldwide, pressured Escada to sell cruelty-free couture instead of fur garments constructed from violence and death. Escada press rep Frank Elsner says, Starting with the Spring-Summer 2011 collection, in stores January 2011, Escada stops using fur, including rabbit and Karakul (Persian lamb). This decision is valid for an unlimited periodSEE FULL UPDATE


AUGUST, 2010
WIN! WI And TN Universities Are Latest To Drop Live Animal Labs
We're happy to add University of Wisconsin (UW) School of Medicine and Public Health and University of Tennessee (UT) College Of Medicine in Memphis to a growing med school list that trains future doctors without animals. Kinship Circle members asked both to replace live trauma drills with more relevant human-focused models — noting that animal experiments deflect focus and funding from training pertinent to human conditions. Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine reports that first-year physiology students at UW no longer practice on pigs who are bled out and killed. UT students now train with simulators rather than pigs in Advanced Trauma Life Support courses.


JULY, 2010
WIN! Spain's Catalonia Region Bans Bullfights
Spain's northeastern Catalonia region is the nation's first mainland area to ban bullfighting. Catalonian nationalist Jose Rull said some traditions “can't remain frozen in time as society changes… The most degrading things should be banned.” A 68 to 55 vote sealed the ban, amid cheers in the 135-seat legislature.


JUNE 23, 2010
PROGRESS: Commercial Whaling Is A No-Go — For This Year
This year's bid to legalize commercial whaling failed. Thanks to Kinship Circle supporters who spoke out against whaling now and many times over the years. Your comments to the International Whaling Commission help solidify wins like this one. Japan, Norway and Iceland still hunt whales under the guise of “research.” However, if commercialized whaling had been legalized, they could have won rights to openly slaughter whales… SEE FULL UPDATE


JUNE 7, 2010
WIN! Quality Egg Pleads Guilty To 10 Cruelty Counts, Fined $130,000
In a rare outcome for farmed animals, Quality Egg pled guilty to 10 animal cruelty counts, with $130,000 in fines and restitution. USA's largest egg maker will also undergo unannounced state inspections for the next 5 years. Egg-laying hens endure wretched conditions, typically packed 6-9 in filing-drawer size battery cages… SEE FULL UPDATE


MAY 15, 2010
WIN! Missouri Sought To Revive USA Horse Slaughter, But Kill Bill Rejected
Rep. Jim Viebrock proposed House Bill 1747 so Missouri could kill horses and sidestep a federal horse slaughter ban. Kinship Circle issued an action alert urging MO House Reps to reject measures to legalize equine processing plants in Missouri. From there, it got weird… Some Reps harassed Kinship Circle with menacing late night calls — neighing like a horse, chanting KC president Brenda Shoss' name in creepy voices, screaming incoherently, and singing “A Horse Is A Horse” (theme song from the movie Mr. Ed). Ms. Shoss filed a police report. The House seemingly passed its bill as revenge against animal advocates. Then, Rep Viebrock covertly attached horse slaughter provisions to unrelated Senate Bill 795. But in the end, against a backdrop of strong worldwide protest, Missouri's Congressional session closed with rejection of language to legalize horse slaughter… SEE FULL UPDATE



APRIL, 2010
WIN! First Ever Statewide Ban On Devocalization In Massachusetts
“We couldn't have done it without Kinship Circle. Gov. Deval Patrick signed Logan's Law, making Massachusetts the first state in the nation with an effective law banning the cruel practice of canine and feline devocalization — cutting vocal cords to suppress the voice. Coalition to Protect and Rescue Pets couldn't have done it without Kinship Circle. Powerhouse animal welfare organizations refused to help. Luckily for animals, Kinship Circle stepped up. You rallied your members at every stage of the 15-month legislative process…” SEE FULL UPDATE

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Kinship Circle is a nonprofit focused in: Animal Cruelty Investigation & Action, Humane Education, and Disaster Animal Response.
●  Federal 501(c)(3) under U.S. IRS ruling, Public Charity Status: 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
●  Tax Employee Identification Number (EIN) available upon request
●  Nonprofit Certificate of Incorporation, Charter: N00071626