, DOMINION…Equity & Rights
- Writing With I-M-P-A-C-TWhether you're a voice for animals, human/civil rights, voting equity or climate defense — your words are a direct line to decisionmakers. Learn the nuts-and-bolts of a compelling argument and get tools to be heard…
- Advertising 101 For Animal AdvocacyView ad designs for visually powerful layouts with attention-grabbing copy. Stir your creative soup for new ways to make animals seen and heard online…
- Help For The HelpersAs an advocate for animals, my job is to expose cruelty and apathy. I am their witness, from the impersonal thrust of a slaughterhouse knife to the final moment they are dismantled limb by limb. I am beside the homeless when a gas chamber…
- Multi-Billion Dollar Lie: Animal ExperimentationThis film and transcript provide tips to promote animal-free research. Data from animals artificially induced with human disease/injury is non-predictive, misleading, and indefensibly cruel. If you care about taxpayer waste, human health, medical progress and animals — get the facts to argue for human-focused research…
- The Campaign That Changed Everything: SHAC USAAs a SHAC-USA spokesperson, I marched to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, a lab that kills animals to test pesticides, cleaners, chemicals. SHAC-USA leaders were jailed for using their rights to free speech, protest/assembly — but we can finish the job they began…
- Just The Facts, PleaseKinship Circle's core belief: Animals are not ours to use. As a human animal, you cannot legally be enslaved, tortured, murdered. But 8.7 million nonhuman animals are excluded from all moral equity. By law, animals are property. By Judeo-Christian ethic, animals exist for human use…
- Mommy's A What?In the eyes of the government and some conservative watchdog groups — Mommy is potential terrorist material. Please don't tell my family. They'll be very upset. Yet even under oath, I'm sure they would profess: “Yes, she can mouth-off. No, she is not a threat to homeland security…”
- Move Over Al Quaeda! Animal Defenders Top Threat List?Neighbors probably thought a mass murderer lurked along tree-lined streets. As they rose to eat harried breakfasts and tackle the morning commute, U.S. Air Marshals circled the sky in a noisy helicopter. At 6:00 a.m. 15 gun-toting FBI agents and assorted Secret Service…
- Inner Landscapes: Emotional Voice Of AnimalsAt 8:45 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 smashes into the World Trade Center's north tower. Fifteen minutes later United Airlines Flight 175 shatters the south tower and forever seizes a nation's invulnerability. Amid a frantic tangle, Salty leads Omar Rivera from the 7lst floor…
- With My Own Eyes: Activist UndercoverMatt loops a noose around the fox's neck and dangles the animal before Dan, who evaluates the coat. This one's a “kill,” so the men carry him past rows of dingy fox-filled cages to the electrocution area. Dan shoves a probe into the fox's rectum and taunts him to bite down on a metal conductor in his throat…
- AR Diary: Tales From The TrenchesAn ebony sky coiled through downtown St. Louis as Colleen Tilford videotaped. The 28-year-old mom had secured a babysitter so she could follow Ringling Bros. Circus handlers on their post-performance walk with the elephants. Crouched in the dark, she recorded…
- Perspective: The Animal Rights MovementAs an animal rights activist I've endured my share of critics, from the smart-alecky to the magnificently peeved. Mainly, I've survived bad one-liners: “Vegetables have feelings too,” or “So you think insects should have the right to vote?” “Get a life.” The uninformed inform me…
- Seriously Off Topic — The Day The 70s DiedReaders of a certain age will mark June 25, 2009 as the day the 1970s died. Within 48 hours, we lost an Angel and an Icon. Farrah Fawcett succumbed to cancer and Michael Jackson ended in cardiac arrest. My profound sense of loss embarrasses me. My youth sits in my lap, like some creature released from a dream…