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Follow Kinship Circle on Facebook for ongoing animal news, updates, victories and progress. In addition to animal rights reports, we monitor disasters to assess severity of impact on animals. If Kinship Circle Disaster Animal Response Team deploys, we post requests for volunteers and support.

Huntingdon Life Sciences ally Envigo is permanently closed for animal cruelty. HLS corporate owner Inotiv is ordered to bring its animal facilities up to Animal Welfare Act requirements.


HLS Ally Envigo Is Over
Envigo pleads guilty to willful violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Now closed, the top dog breeder for research was born when Harlan Labs and Huntingdon Life Sciences merged. Inotiv, current owner of Envigo and HLS, must invest millions to align its subpar facilities with AWA rules…

Puppy Mill Capital, USA: 1 year of diluted law in Missouri. Kinship Circle


Puppy Mill Capitol MO
Voters pass the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act. Then lawmakers gut it. The Governor okays a weaker version. Years later, MO has less mills but still leads in the U.S. In a 2024 step back, a new bill promotes puppy mills and strips communities of their ability to prohibit pet stores…

Washington University ends live labs in pediatrics training, no more cats tortured. Kinship Circle


Pediatrics Class: Live Labs Out
Washington University ends live labs in pediatrics training. Now all surveyed programs in the U.S. and Canada use human-based simulators instead of cats, ferrets, pigs. Animals suffered at the hands of students instructed to forcibly lodge breathing tubes down their throats…

Med schools upgrade to human-relevant models, instead of animals. Kinship Circle


Med Schools End Animal Labs
Thanks Kinship Circle! Together, we pressured medical schools to drop animal labs from physiology, pharmacology, and surgical training. PCRM confirms that all med schools surveyed in the United States and Canada no longer train students with live animals…

U.S. Dept. of Defense must now report how animals are used in combat-trauma training. Kinship Circle


End To Military Animal Tests?
U.S. Dept. of Defense must now report how animals are used in combat-trauma training. The Defense Secretary is required to submit strategies to “when appropriate, transition to human-based methods for training Armed Forces in treatment of combat trauma.” This is not an actual ban, but…

Human-focused medical research creates data to cure humans. Animal tests delay progress. Kinship Circle


Human-Focused Medical Research
ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS HARM HUMANS: Brenda Shoss presented on vivisection in: Rome; Florida; Washington DC; St. Louis; Los Angeles. Get her compelling facts for social media and protest campaigns. Lab-manipulated animals do not mimic human disease. Misleading data delays cures…

U.S. Dept. of Defense must now report how animals are used in combat-trauma training. Kinship Circle


U.S. Bank Bails Out HLS
Kinship Circle members join DC protest against US Bank, a top debt relief source for Huntingdon Life Sciences. HLS kills an average 500 animals daily to test bug sprays, soaps, chemicals. The contract research lab has been exposed for animal cruelty and fraud…

The Campaign That Changed Everything: SHAC-USA


Campaign That Changed It All
As a SHAC-USA spokesperson, I marched to close Huntingdon Life Sciences, a lab that kills animals to test pesticides, cleaners, chemicals. SHAC-USA leaders were jailed for using their rights to free speech, protest/assembly — but we can finish the job they began…

Kinship Circle director Brenda Shoss speaks to AR activists in Rome. (c) Kinship Circle


KC Speaks At Rally In Rome
Italy has a vibrant animal rights community, noted for a 2012 daylight raid to seize and rehome dogs from Green Hill (animal breeder for research labs). Kinship Circle's Brenda Shoss was invited to speak about SHAC-USA and the Huntingdon Life Sciences campaign, then and now…

Inside Out: Diary Of Madness, a tale of HLS madness, money and profound cruelty. (c) Kinship Circle


Inside/Out: Madness
Follow protesters outside and investigators inside Huntingdon Life Sciences, a corrupt animal testing lab. This booklet, about madness, money and cruelty, arose from a Little Rock, AR demo against then investor Stephens Inc. Inside is HLS violence. Outside reflects…

U.S. Dept. of Defense must now report how animals are used in combat-trauma training. Kinship Circle


SHAC-7 Prisoners, AETA
Kevin Kjonaas moves to a halfway house after 6 years in federal prison. His crime? Free speech and a website against HLS cruelty. As a SHAC-USA spokesperson, I stood beside Kevin, Jake, Lauren and anti-HLS activists with dignity and purpose. The fake war on AR activists…

The Multi-Billion Dollar Lie: Animal Experimentation


Multi-Billion Dollar Lie
Learn to argue for fast development of animal-free research. Medical progress requires a mindset shift and funding for human-focused lab tools. Ongoing breakthroughs can ultimately end the flawed animal model, but how many more will suffer before we get there?

Kinship Circle spends time caring for rescued monkeys at Jungle Friends (c) Kinship Circle


Jungle Friends
Your smile for today! If a monkey really likes you, a tiny hand drums the spot over his heart. Each unique gesture underscores the horror some endure before saved from research, entertainment or pet trades. Kinship Circle's volunteer stint at Jungle Friends…

Just The Facts, Please


Just The Facts Please
Kinship Circle core belief: Animals are not ours to use. As a human animal, you can't legally be enslaved, tortured, murdered. But 8.7 million nonhuman animals are excluded from all moral equity. By law, animals are property. By Judeo-Christian ethic, they exist for human use…

You Weren't Supposed To End


You Weren't Supposed To End
My Baby, Gone. Time moves. I do not. Stuck with Ethel, since she was taken. A killing differs from a passing: No healing, only distraction across years and time. It was a typical Thursday. I'd be gone an hour, my fur kids safe at home. I never saw Ethel again…


I Am Alive, Save Me
Join Kinship Circle Disaster Animal Response Team on aid missions around the world. See breathtaking rescue scenes from Thailand Floods, Japan Earthquake, and Brazil Mudslides to Chile Earthquake and more. Learn how to join our volunteer animal aid team…

Kinship Circle joins protet against Air France live cargo shipments to labs. Kinship Circle


Air France: Primates To Labs
Watch an inspiring photo story of Kinship Circle at the National AR Conference and in protest against Air France, among the last airlines to ship animals (as cargo) to research laboratories. We opposed Patton Boggs, a top U.S. lobbyist for Air France…

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami


Japan Quake-Tsunami
After a mass earthquake, tsunami, and radiation leak from a destroyed nuclear reactor — Kinship Circle is the first U.S. animal group in Japan for ongoing search-rescue and emergency sheltering. Teams navigate Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Miyazaki, Niigata…


MO Tried To Revive USA Horse Slaughter, But Kill-Bill Fails
Rep. Jim Viebrock proposed House Bill 1747 so Missouri could kill horses and sidestep a federal horse slaughter ban. Kinship Circle issued an action alert urging MO House Reps to reject measures to legalize equine processing plants in Missouri. From there, it got weird… Some Reps harassed Kinship Circle with menacing late night calls — neighing like a horse, chanting KC president Brenda Shoss' name in creepy voices, screaming incoherently, and singing “A Horse Is A Horse” (theme song from the movie Mr. Ed). Ms. Shoss filed a police report. The House seemingly passed its bill as revenge against animal advocates. Then, Rep Viebrock covertly attached horse slaughter provisions to unrelated Senate Bill 795. But in the end, against a backdrop of strong worldwide protest, Missouri's Congressional session closed with rejection of language to legalize horse slaughter…


Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all hurt by greed, cruelty and hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

ST. LOUIS MO 63130

TAX-DEDUCT ID20-5869532



In kinship, not dominion, each individual is seen. We do not use the rhetoric of slavery. To define animals as unique beings Guardian, Caregive, Him/Her/They… replace Owner, Own, It… Until moral equity and justice serve all — no one is free.